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Sunday, January 9, 2011

No Kids in my Bed

Little man fast asleep
I know so many parents that struggle with having their kids in their bed but I can tell you all that this is not a problem that I face because I never allowed it to occur in the first place.  I love cuddling up on the couch with Daylan every now and then but when it comes to going to sleep I in no way want my son in my bed.

I often wonder how parents who do have their kids sleep in their bed do it.  I mean for me going to my room and getting in my bed is like my little place to get away from everything and revitalizing my self after a long day.  I couldn't imagine having a long day at work or with the kids and then going to my bed room and having to share my bed with my child.

Daylan probably stayed in my room from birth to 4 months but he still did not sleep in my bed he slept in a bassinet and then after that I moved him to his own room in a crib.  Once he began to walk I was so scared that he was going to climb out of the crib and hit the floor that I bought him a toddler bed and he has been in it ever since. Now going from crib to bed was a very difficult transition only because he had been use to being confined behind the bars of the crib to havuing this new freedom to get up and move around.

It took me about 3 or 4 months to get Daylan to stay in his bed.  I don't know how many occasions that I would roll over and there would be a little person standing on the side of my bed just staring at me and it never failed I would promptly get up and walk him into his room every single time.  I eventually wold end up just sitting out side the door of his room so that he couldn't escape.  During that time you would see his little hands sticking up under the door as he was trying to get out.

Finally he got the idea and he has been staying in his room and in his own bed ever since.  Now from time to time I will let Daylan come in my room to sleep but about an hour in I realize why he doesn't sleep in my room.  He is a wild sleeper which means a night filled with getting kicked in the ribs or the face,  occasionally he will decide that he needs to get as close to me as possible so he will attempt to sleep on my back so after a few minutes of that I just call it quits and little man goes right back to his room.

Do any of you struggle with your kids in your bed?


Fomsky said...

Lol. Funny pic: Daylan does sleep pretty rough! I know how difficult it is to get a child out of my bed: took a lot of effort to get my son into his bed! Won't let it happen again with my subsequent kids!!

Mel @ Trailing After God said...

We co-slept until about 9 mos but it was more for me because I was nursing. This way I could nurse and go back to sleep right away. But during the day, they slept in a bassinet or crib so that the transition would be easy, which it was with all 4. I didn't do it because of the bonding reasons, honestly, it's nice to get into my own bed with no kids like you said. And I have always wondered how couples are intimate if they have a "family" bed? I like having my bed alone, with my husband. Not judging those who do, I just wonder about it :)

Alexandra Elizabeth said...

My 5 year old daughter sleeps with me. Has a complete breakdown if she has to sleep in her own bed. For a week last year I managed 2 get her in her own bed, but I got lazy and just said screw it. As a single mom its very comforting to have her next to me. And she takes comfort sleeping next to me. Its amazing, she knows when Im close and when I've gotten up. When she is not in my bed it feels very very odd. Shes slept with me since birth. And at first it was easier because I breastfed her, so I'd just roll over to feed her. Then she got used to it and I guess I was too lazy to switch it up. As of today I have no plans to change our cosleeping arrangement, mainly because I dont want to deal with the headache. But it is something I'd like to address this year.

Merrill said...

My daughter typically climbs in my bed around 4 or 5 in the morning. But, I have finally cut this down to weekends only. She is used to getting up around 5 on school days (the joys of working at an "early" school), so her body wakes up naturally around then on Saturday and Sunday, too. She will go back to sleep, and sleep later, if she gets in my bed. I usually don't even hear her and don't realize she's there until I wake up. (I think she learned that if she wakes me up to ask if she can get in my bed, I say no, but if I'm sleeping then I'm none the wiser and can't say no!) Her bedroom gets direct morning sun, so my room is darker and she will sleep later on non-school days.

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