If you are wondering why I have been gone the title of this post has something to do with it but not in some weird way like my son is cross dressing as Shirley Temple and singing on the street corners of San Francisco but in a my son watches to much tv way. Last week me and Daylan came home and sat down in front of the tv like we normally do when we first walk in the door (okay deem me a bad parent but hey I need to unwind for a few minutes after work) and the Shirley Temple Little Darling Box Set commercial came on I think we may have seen it a few times before and as soon is it cam on my son jumped up and started singing word for word to the commercial as well as busting out in her dance moves.
At first I was like well isn't that just the cutest thing you have ever seen and so we continued watching tv and finished all of our other night time routines and then it was time for bed. I pulled out the ABC flashcards that we work on each and every night for months now and my kid couldn't tell me those letters to save his life. So it hit me at that moment that my son watches to much tv and the fact that he could remember a commercial that we had seen may 3 or 4 times was sad when we have been working on those stupid letters for ages.
After being upset about my letting him watch tv I decided that tv would be banned in our house until Daylan could successfully tell me the set of letters that we had for each week to work on. So my work began I figured 4 letters were a good starting place and if he could identify the set each week he would get some tv time but if he couldn't the tv would remain off.
Here I am a week has passed and we are on the letters A B C and D and it has been a struggle the entire week because I realized that he does know his letters he just enjoys making my life a living hell by pretending that he doesn't. Monday Jan. 17th was the first day he decided that he would tell me the letters in order to get tv back.
Now here is why I haven't been able to get on since the tv has been off I have had to constantly entertain him. He follows me everywhere I go and is a constant shadow. I can't take a crap without him standing there staring at me and tell me that i have to wipe my butt and wash my hands when I am done. I never truly realized how big a role tv played in our lives until I shut it off but it will remain off until he shows me that he can do more than sing and dance to Shirley Temple and can actually tell me his ABC's.
Hey, just be glad it isn't Kidz Bop :)
salamat rahe kisi Dua ki tarah
Ek tu Aur doosra Muskrana satta king play bazaar
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