Everyone has now had the pleasure of seeing the new layout . I changed it for many reasons because I needed to make navigation easier and make it more appealing to the eye of my readers. It was bit cluttered before (my fault) but its like you wanna do everything but then you realize that sometimes less is more so I have truly tried to clean it up so that I can make your experience here better. I would love to know what you all think of the new layout. I am in love with it and seriously couldn't be happier I think that things will be much easier to find and much easier to read.
I don't know if my regulars have noticed but I resolved to pop up issue. Apparently one of the ad companies that I used offered full page ads and I had forgotten to uncheck that box so they were popping up all over the place. Well I went in and I got that unchecked so now there will be no more full page ads. I was wondering why they were paying me so much more ( I guess I know now) but I would rather have my readers coming back than to have the money from the full page ads so don't worry they won't be back.
I am also excited to announce that I am spinning off a new blog dedicated strictly to blogging because of the great response that i have seen on Sunday's from all you blogging ladies out there. I will be working on it over the new month and will try to roll that out in early January for all of you. It will be just like my Sunday blog post except I will post more often and the post won't be as long since I will have a dedicated space for all the information instead of just on Sunday. I will still be giving extremely detailed information just easier to follow and apply to your specific situation. I am not super technical so it will be super easy to understand and follow just like it is here. I am really happy about this because I love blogging and I love teaching so if you put those together I am in heaven I love reaching out and teaching new bloggers little tips and tricks that I have learned along the way. There are new blogs started every single day and we can all use a little help from time to time.
I also decided to move the blogging basics to its on blog because The Mommy Chronicles is just that a place about motherhood not really blogging I want to try to refocus my vision of The Mommy Chronicles to be those stories about my adventures in motherhood, being a single mom, being in the Coast Guard, my life and a few product reviews and giveaways thrown in for good measure.
I have also started setting so pretty big goals for myself and my blog that really need your assistance and participation. I am trying to climb the ranks over at Top Mommy Blogs and just need your click to get me a vote so please just click this link (Rate My Blog @ Top Mommy Blogs) to help me out (they don't ask you anything the click counts as the vote and can be done daily). I appreciate the support.
The gears in my head are always turning and I am always churning out some new idea so expect to see more coming from me in the future.
This is much nicer to read and navigate. The big ads were covering over other parts at times, at least when I was looking at your page.
I'm loving the new layout. I'm thinking of doing a change of mine too. I have so many ideas I don't know where to begin. You have so much new stuff that you are working on that I can't wait to see it all.
Good luck,
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