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Friday, December 17, 2010

Strep Throat, Ear Infections and College Finals OH MY!

(that's my pouty face)

I have become pretty inconsistent in posting and reply to comments lately but here is what is going on in the world of Danielle.

About two days ago I woke up from a nap and I felt like I couldn't move, I was unable to swallow and was in excruciating pain. I wasn't really sure what was wrong but it hit me all of a sudden so I started to think it had to be strep. I downed some cough medicine just to make it through the night but that wasn't helpful because my three year old decided he needed to go crazy while mommy was sick. He successfully got everything out of the cabinets I had pretzel trails all over the place. He went on a slimfast binge and then came over and decided that I needed to be jumped on.

After hours of this and zoning in and out I finally said enough was enough I mustered up all the energy that I had to get up and take myself upstairs to sleep. I let Daylan know he needed to go to bed and tuck himself in. I figured he would listen since he doesn't like to be alone down stairs in the dark. I climbed in my bed and proceeded to have the longest most painful night in history. Tossing and turning then turning and tossing I couldn't sleep because of the pain. I ended up having to call the ex to come and get Daylan the next morning (yesterday) and made arrangements for him to stay with him until Saturday.

I finally get enough energy to get out of bed and go to the doctor where I am given about a million test for all kinds of things and finally they narrow it down to Strep and an ear infection. And to make matters worse I have finals due today Friday the 17th. Of course this is my life. I think I am going to take a nap and then get up and take the finals. I have been up studying since early this morning now I am tired again.

After these finals are done I will be on break from school for a month which will allow me to focus just on my Daylan and the blog. So just bear with me everyone I will be back full force in a few days.


lfhpueblo said...

I'm going to say a prayer you get well quickly. Ear infections are super painful, I'd had more than my share. I've only had strep throat once.

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