"MOMMY YOUR NOT MY FRIEND" my three year old proclaimed one fine day. I was taken aback and I had to stop and think for a second and at that moment I said to him in my mommy voice "I don't want to be your friend I am your Mommy". He looked shocked because he had meant to use those words to get his way as if him not being my friend was going to make me magically change my mind and let him do whatever it is he wanted to do but it didn't work. At that moment I made the clear distinction with my three year old that mommy was mommy and even if he unfriended me I would still be his mommy and I would still be in charge.
I decided that I didn't want to be one of those parents that later down the road had the crazy teen and was so busy trying to be their friend that I allow them to get lost to the streets and all the other craziness of the world. Now I am not saying that not being your child's friend is going to make you have this terrific child but it will make your child understand that their is a clear definition between friend and parents. A long time ago when I was about three I had proclaimed to my mom that I wasn't going to be her friend either and she said to me "That's fine you will need me before I need you" and a few minutes later after she had went to buy herself an ice cream cone I decided that I needed to be her friend again so I could get me one. Guess I did need her before she needed me.
Oh my gosh look at that hair I LOVE IT! I want curly hair!
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