Once I turned 18 I decided to cut my long hair all off and rock out to a short do which I thought would signify my coming into my own and becoming an adult. I jumped up in the salon chair and told my beautician to cut it all of she told me she didn't feel comfortable cutting my hair so I had to promise her that I was going to be mad and that my parents were going to come hunt her down. I finally convinced her to cut my hair all the way off. I looked at the ground as she took the first snip and I burst into tears me and my hair had been through so much and now we were finally going our separate ways. After she finished I looked in the mirror and was amazed at how great it looked.
From then on I would got from short to long and then long to short. After the birth of my son and all the trying times associated with becoming a single mom I decided it was time to cut it all off again. Here are the pictures from that cut....I loved it so much...
And then I decided that it was time to start growing it back out and this brings you to today....
Now it took me two years to get from the short cut to where I am today and if you wanna know how I did it you can check out my YouTube video's on making my own hot oil treatments and on my deep conditioning and hot oil technique. So this post is already getting super long so I will just link to my two Youtube videos you can also find them on the Wibya bar at the bottom of your screen.
Here are the products that I swear by:
You hair is beautiful!
Thank You so much I am a bit obsessive with it but I have been doing so much better just keeping my hands out of it because I am on the road to healthier stronger hair.
You look cute with all the different hairstyles!
I cut mine really short this summer after having it long for about seven years, now I'm growing it back out.
I watched your utube videos and im going to buy the products you use,hopefully they will work for me as well.Your hair is beautiful! I have a few questions,,you posted the cantu repairing cream,when and how often would i use it?Also,how often should i do a hot oil treatment?I like your idea with the ceran wrap(spelled wrong,sorry)i use those plastic grocery bags!I want to try the caran wrap.I sometimes used vo5 hot oil treatment,it was ok but i think your mixure will be good for my hair.I have dyed and relaxed my hair and used straighting irons so much over the yrs that my hair is fried.Its so frizzy and dry looking.Im bi-racial so my hair is a mixture type.I cant do nothing with it.Your hair is so long.I want to cut mine like you had yours,it was a cute style you had.Thanks for all the info and tips!
I forgot to subscribe to your comments!
Hey Shannon,
To answer your questions I use the repairing cream 2-3 times a week. For the most part I wear my hair in a bun because of my job so I try to mess with it as little as possible. I do the hot oil treatment once a week and along with a deep conditioning. I do it all at the same time and then just wrap it up with the saran wrap or a plastic cap. It sounds like you have done the same things to your hair that I had done. My hair was seriously damaged at one point but since I have cut it really short twice now my hair is much healthier. I wish you the best of luck on your hair journey.
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