I was having a convo with my mom the other day about people's worst fears. Apparently she was at work and the topic came up, now these weren't just normal everyday fears but the kind you wouldn't dare say out loud for the fear someone would think you were crazy. So after you read this you will probably say to yourself I see why Daylan is so nutty (if you missed that post just click here).
So mom calls and starts inquiring as to what my fear is and I told her I am scared to death my teeth are going to fall out in the middle of the night. Then I go on to explain to her that I wake up multiple times during the night and stumble into my bathroom to make sure all my teeth are still intact and none of them are loose. Of course after that I have to brush and floss just to be on the safe side. So here is a bit of irony for you I go to the dentist and they tell me that all my obsessive brushing has led to a deterioration in the enamel on my teeth so apparently brushing your teeth constantly is actually not good for you, life sure has a funny way of teaching you a lesson.
Now my other fear that takes up the rest of my time is rupturing my implants (yes...mommy had a boob job). Your probably already convinced I am nuts at this point but here goes. I got implants about 2 1/2 years ago as a gift for being me and I love them the problem is I tend to be a bit obsessive and so when the doctor was giving me the run down on silicon vs saline only one thing stuck in my mind if my saline implant ruptures it will immediately go flat like a pancake and the saline will just absorb into my body. God I have no clue why he told me that because after the surgery was done I was scared to death to sleep on them for the fear of having an "A" cup pancake on one side and a "C" cup on the other. I even had nightmares about it my mind begin racing as to what I would do if this happened and how I would explain to my job that I couldn't come to work because one of my implant had sprung a leak (how embarrassing).
Things have calmed a bit now I only do boobie checks 1-2 times a night and got them insured so I am covered.
LoL Danielle. And you say your son has OCD.. you're way worse than he is!!
LOL I know I think he must have gotten it from me.
You are funny! I've never heard of anyone brushing their teeth too much.
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