Okay everybody I hope that you had a great week I have seriously been behind all week because I had a sick kid and midterms for school but here I am and ready to share with you Part 2 of making money from your blog. If you haven’t read last weeks post about Adgitize then you should check it out now and then come back and read this one.
Today we are going to cover AdBrite, BlogAds, Commission Junction and Sponsored Tweets
I use all four of the above mentioned services to bring in revenue for my blog now these are the ones that work for me so I am going to discuss them in depth. I was also going to include a list of others ones that may work better for your particular blog but I am going to save that for another post. It’s like 3am here in California and I am super sleepy so I want to stick with the ones that I know and know well.
Lets get started…
AdBrite: Now AdBrite has the same concept as Adsense except you have more control and the payout is much better. AdBrite also allows you to monetize your site with many different options you can also refer advertisers to AdBrite through your blog allowing you to get a bigger cut of the advertising dollars something that AdSense would never do (okay yes I hate Adsense…if you don’t know why read here). I began using AdBrite at the same time that I created my blog and in that short time I surpassed my AdSense earnings that it took me three years to accumulate.
There aren’t many logistics to AdBrite you just place the code on your site where you would like your ad to appear and advertisers will purchase the space.
You then head into your dashboard and approve the sites that you like and decline the ones that don’t fit in with you site demographics. After that you just sit back and focus on your sites content and getting people to come and check you out. Your money comes from the number of pageviews you get each day. The better you pageviews the more money you will earn. They do not have a publisher referral program so even if you tell the world about it you won’t make any extra money.
Here are my current earnings for AdBrite (there minimum payout is $5.00 much better then $100 with AdSense):

BlogAds: This one is not for everyone but it is one of the premier advertising networks. Do you know who Perez Hilton is well if you don’t he is a super famous Blogger who dishes on everything celebs and this is who handles the advertising on his site. It is an invite only ad agency so you wanna make sure that your numbers are good and you have nice site design.
They actually get the advertisements specifically for your site. They shop your site out to brands and they get paid when you get paid, they get 30% if they find you an advertiser. I am fairly new to this agency and currently have made about $6 bucks after they took their cut. They also allow you to refer your own advertiser which means more money for you and a smaller cut for them 14% to be exact.
The nice thing about BlogAds is that you are in full control and you can actually see how many times your ads have been clicked on with their tracking system. They have tons of great options and everyone is very helpful. They actually answer your emails personally and if you want an invite and you think your site has what it takes then hop on over and contact them. They reply pretty quickly. I won’t tell you how I got my invite it was kind of embarrassing, hahaha well maybe I will tell you another time.
Here are my current earnings from them…. (sorry these are just not clear I used screen grab but I should have printed the screen it says $6.84)

Comission Junction: This is an affiliate network most big names companies work with them and they offer you earnings for leads and sales. You apply to the different companies affiliate programs and if you are approved then you will place that affiliates code on your site. If people visit the site and purchase something or sign up for a free offer (whatever the stipulations for the agreement are) you will be paid. I don’t do to much with them anymore because I have been focusing my attention on Adgitize an AdBrite mostly.
They really do offer a great way to make some extra income especially if you have a site that is specific to one of their companies. For example say that you run a blog about educational children's toys and you are part of the affiliate program for Company XNY Toys then you can go over to your commission junction dashboard and pick out products that your readers may like and place the code on your site. SO as your readers read about said products they have the option to purchase them right on your site making them happy and you money.
To date I have only made $2.85 with this program because like I said before it hasn’t been my main focus but with Christmas right around the corner this could be a big money maker for blogs that are more focused on specific products and services.
Here are my current earnings from them….

Sponsored Tweets by Izea: Basically your get paid to tweet about products or services for companies but this isn’t like those spam tweets that you see on Twitter. This is probably the only valid one out there. For the most part Sponsored Tweets is made up of Celebrities that tweet a sponsored tweet to all there millions of followers. They of course do have a place for use regular folks as well.
Now there are requirements to be apart of Sponsored Tweets so it you are not an established Tweeter this really isn’t for you but there is hope go and open up you a Twitter account and start making some connections. As a side note many noteworthy bloggers get tons of traffic from Twitter.
Okay so here are the minimum requirements (I stress minimum): 60days on Twitter 100 Status Updates and at least 100 followers. The reason I stress minimum is because if you meet just the minimum amount of followers you are going to be making all that much. I would suggest that you build up in to the 500-1000 range before you tackle this one because that is the only way you will reach the payout level of $50.
I currently have followers in the 700 range and I tweet just about any and everything that is on my mind. I also engage in conversations with people so my followers don’t mind clicking to see what my sponsored tweets are.
The nice thing about Sponsored Tweets is you get to set your own price based on the engagement of your followers and the number of followers that you have. Right now I make about $2+ per tweet plus I get paid per click. Now think if you have thousands of followers then your could be making upward to $5-$10 per tweet and the click rate is set by the company but with that many follower you are bound to get tons of clicks.
Now I want to reiterate this is not a SPAM service so you need to actually have a twitter account that is more than just ads. Your twitter account should be away that you connect with your followers and network with others. The occasional ad will not bother them but if you flood them with ads you are going to lose them. I suggest doing no more than 1 sponsored tweet an hour.
Payout like I said before is at $50 dollars and is done once a month. They also verify your clicks to make sure that you are not scamming the system.
The current earnings don’t reflect my cost per tweet it takes 30 days to verify with the company but here are my earnings just for clicks. Keep in mind I started this program yesterday and my average click per tweet is 3. (I am pretty sure you can't see it but it says $0.32 pending thats clicks only)

I hope that these monetizing tips helped you all out, I hate when people give vague descriptions of things and really think they are helping you out so I tried to be as thorough as possible if you have any questions leave them in the comments so others can benefit. If you know of any other really good programs let us know in the comments. I am always looking for new programs to test out. Next week I would like to bring you the programs that I think that you should steer clear of along with a few that may work for you but that I don’t currently utilize. There are a ton of scams out there so please beware and know that I only talk about the ones that have actually worked for me.
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Frugalmdmom aka Kim
What great advice...thank you!!! And, thanks for following me at Jeremiah 29:11 and also Wise Old Owl Designs...I'm not following you, too!
a lot of people earn well in blogging, thanks for sharing these tips.
Hi! Great info!
Thanks for joining Sunny Saturday! Hope to see you next week!
Linda @ Linda's Lunacy
I love you site and how u post ways to earn extra money. I am a new follower via Sunday blog hop. I would love if you could follow me back at http://frugalcouponingmommy3.blogspot.com/
Passed on a blog award to you!
Kind of intimidated about the whole paid blogging thing...compelling though! Following you from Relax and Surf Sunday - hope you can visit me back at www.thejoyfuljungle.com Life is a jungle, but it can be a joyful one!
Hello Danielle, I'm giving you the versatile blogger award. Check it out on http://www.versatilewoman.com/2010/11/my-first-blogging-award.html
Oh wow thanks everyone that gave me a blogging award I will get around to all the sites tonight and collect them and post them. Thank You again.
Thanks for following me!! Look forwards to reading all your great tips!!
Dear Danielle
Thanks for joining me at Create With Joy! I already follow you and think your blog is awesome!
I enjoyed your article and am going to sign up for your newsletter/RSS feed to make sure I see the rest of the series.
Happy Thanksgiving!
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