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Monday, December 6, 2010

Meet Me on Monday

1. What is your favorite kind of cheese?

Give me that cheddar. I love cheddar cheese it is my only favorite. I steer clear of American cheese it just doesn't do it for me.

2. What size is your bed?

Queen size because I am a Queen (of course)

3. What is your most overused phrase?

"I remember when...." I feel like I have gotten old because literally every time I am talking to someone I always end up saying "I remember when..." but I can't help it lived a crazy life and have done everything over and under the sun so I have tons of stories to tell. I just can't help it.

4. Green or purple grapes?

Purple because they are sweeter. I feel the same way with grape juice I have to have the purple grape juice because it is so much sweeter. Sweet grapes for a sweet girl ;)

5. Shower, morning or night?

Both because I work out in the morning so I have to take a shower after my work out and then I go around and work all day so then I have to come home and take a shower again.

I can't wait to get to know some new people this week. There is so much coming up for you guys and I am excited to be doing a new blog hop if you are free come on and jump on it.


Chanel said...

Even though I prefer purple grapes; I love white grape juice. I like the tang of the juice. I usually have to bathe twice a day as well. I workout in the morning and when I get home late at night from working a restaurant I HAVE to take a shower. Can't go to bed smelling like a ribeye and trout...not sexy.

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