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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

What You Say vs What You Mean

We all have had conversations with our spouses or others where we say one thing but mean something or are thinking something totally different

Here is an example of one of those conversations:

Spouse: Honey can we talk?

You: Sure (Oh God what is it now)

Spouse: I have this great buriness venture I want to talk to you about.

You: I am listening (You got about 5mins to convince me your not a complete idiot)

Spouse: Well John approached me today with this great investment opportunity in his start up. I just needed to give him five grand.

You: Honey that seems like a lot. (Were the hell do you expect to get that kind of money we can't even afford the stuff we have now)

Spouse: You know you gotta spend money to make money.

You: Well honey I trust and support you (You better pray to God this works because if it doesn't I am taking out a big insurance policy on you and waiting for the next bus that comes along to hit you so I can pay off all this debt and marry someone with money)

Spouse: I love you! Thank You!

See most of you have conversations like this me on the other hand, I'm the one in parentheses and it always gets me into trouble. I never fail to tell people what I think versus whats the nice and polite thing to say. I am working on it but its tough. I hear the stupidest things and I just can't help but blurt out my opinion. I think I need a bracelet that says keep your mouth shut so when I look at it I remember not to speak.


Mom Jonz said...

Oh, yes I do understand. My husband comes home everyday with some new idea and I just let him know how I feel. Although some other people I just smile and go along with them not to hurt their feelings because I've been told I can be brutally honest.

Danielle said...

I am glad that I am not alone. The same thing happens in my house but sometimes I wonder if I should just go along with on of the ideas so that if doesn't work I don't have to hear about anymore. One that won't cost us to much.

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