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Sunday, September 12, 2010

Tip of the Day: How to End a Phone Conversation Quickly

So we all know what its like to hear the sound of our phone and see the name of someone we really don't want to talk to on the caller id? Right! I am sure you all have had those moments when you are thinking should I answer this or not well go ahead and answer it and I am going to teach you a little trick I use to get off the phone quickly (this only works with cell phones).

So you have picked up the phone and they are going on and on about the weather, work, their spouse, their kids and other random things you really could care less about so now that you were nice enough to answer their call it is time to get them off your line.

The first thing you wanna do is tell them "Hey if my phone dies I will call you back"
now you have the stage set and its is time to put the plan in action. So they can continue talking and you get your turn start talking and in mid sentence just hang up and turn your phone off.

And thats it you are done, the person on the other end probably just thinks that your signal dropped or your phone died because there is no way you would have hung up on while you were talking...RIGHT!?

Believe me this really works I do it all the time. I hate for people to think that I am avoiding their phone calls so I just answer and promptly hang up on them and then call them back the next day or week and say "I am so sorry my phone died"

This works every single time and no one knows the wiser.


RE - Pod313 Tech Tips said...

Girllll I love you. I absolutely Love YOU !
obtw, I followed you on the google thingy. hope you stop by and follow me back so we can enjoy eachothers craziness. to be honest, I did a similar move to my smart ass nasty fake ass sil the other nite. I told her I was in the hospital and if the phone dropped it was because they block cells in the hospital. girl, click. ovvvvvvvvvvvvvvaaaaaaaaaa. Loves IT !

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